As communicated earlier this week, the Club has taken the decision to pause Imagine Radio coverage due to COVID restrictions.
Other clubs will also be cancelling Away Team radio coverage to maximise revenues as clubs financially struggle during these difficult times.
We are aware that radio is a very important channel for our visually impaired fans, however we believe the audio on our Live Stream with commentary from Jon Keighren will go some way to replicating the experience they would get listening to Imagine Radio.
We will be offering a free season pass for our Live Stream to all fans who are registered as ‘sight impaired’ with the RNIB. Please contact [email protected] if you require access.
Whilst accessing the County Live Stream will be straight forward for most, we are aware that amongst our older fans this may seem a daunting prospect. We would urge our fanbase to help out any older fans they know who may have difficulties accessing the Live Stream. Details of the Live Stream will be communicated on Monday 5th October.
Thank you again for everyone’s continued support during these unprecedented times.