Academy Safeguarding Policy


We always put the protection of the safety and wellbeing of all children, young people and adults at risk at the heart of everything we do.

Our Aims

Our goals are to always:

  • Maintain a healthy and safe environment throughout the club for all children, young people and adults at risk
  • Fully understand the duties and responsibilities associated with all our sporting and work activities keep our players, coaches, managers, staff, consultants and volunteers well informed, supported and protected
  • Identify all relevant internal and external stakeholders and collaborate effectively with each of them
  • Meet all the club’s legal, ethical and moral responsibilities

How we work

To achieve our aims we will always:

  • Actively promote and prioritise the safety and wellbeing of all vulnerable groups
  • Listen and engage with all children, young people and adults at risk as well as their parents, guardians and carers
  • Treat all vulnerable groups fairly and with respect regardless of their age, disability, gender identification, race, religious belief, sexual orientation or any other protected characteristics
  • Create a culture where reporting concerns or issues is encouraged and ensure that reports are followed up appropriately
  • Prevent the employment or engagement of unsuitable people by adopting rigorous safer recruitment procedures


At Stockport County Football Club, we make it the responsibility of all staff to safeguard the welfare of everyone who engages with us. It is particularly important that we collectively protect all children and young people (i.e. anyone under the age of 18 years old) and adults at risk from exposure to any forms of inappropriate behaviour, abuse and danger. We expect everyone connected with the club to actively promote and create a positive, safe and supportive environment.

This statement forms part of the commitment of the Board of Stockport County Football Club to promote safeguarding throughout the club. The Board and the club’s dedicated safeguarding team will ensure that each of our safeguarding policies and working procedures will be widely promoted and applied equally to everyone we employ or work with. All policies and procedures will be reviewed at frequently or as a result of a significant event or significant changes to the law or accepted working practice. The Club and its staff recognise that, together with the many positive aspects of being an apprentice football player there are also pressures associated with the position. The pressures not only impact on the player but their entire family and the Club understands the enormous commitment involved in taking part in the Academy programme. The Club and staff will strive to support all players on the apprenticeship journey. The Club Player Care Officer will undertake to do all that is reasonably possible in all circumstances to ensure that the player’s welfare is safeguarded. The Academy is committed to maintaining and ensuring compliance with approved Safeguarding Policies, Procedures and recognised Best Practice in ensuring the welfare of all players. All staff, full and part time will attend and maintain compliance with the FA Safeguarding Workshop and promote awareness of Best Practice.


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