In the Classroom

Our students have been working towards a BTEC Level 3 in Sport and learn vital skills in their respective field. Studying the fundamentals of sport, the students are taught by a wealth of tutors with vast experience in both education and sport

The importance of health and well-being in sport has been a primary focus for our first-year students as they close the curtain on their first term at Stockport Sports Village. The students explored the importance of consistent physical exercise and the benefits of staying healthy and this was determined by a health and well-being screening.

Alongside health and well-being, the students have also studied the Rules, Regulations and Officiating in Sport. This module consisted of students exploring the rules and laws of the sport, and the roles and responsibilities of the officials, before undergoing an assessment as an official in a live game at Stockport Sports Village.

Our second-year students partook in two separate modules, with the first covering Technical and Tactical Skills in Sport. The students explored the skills needed to become successful in sport and investigated the technical and tactical ability of an elite sports performer.

Sports Psychology is the second module that our second-year students studied. This is important to any student looking to make a career in sport, as this affects personality, motivation, stress and anxiety. The students also planned their own psychological skills training programme to enhance sports performance.

Lead Tutor Saxon Wraith spoke about a fantastic first term, and what is to come after Christmas:

How would you sum this term up?

It has been a very positive term. We have welcomed our new first-year students who have settled into life at SSV very well and had the return of our second-year students who are beginning to plan the next steps of their journeys. We have also welcomed new staff in Craig Carney, McCauley Haigh and Kelly Aston, who have all been outstanding additions to the team. As part of The Trafford College Group, we have also undertaken an OFSTED inspection, which thanks to the efforts of our staff and students, has received a very positive report.

What can we expect regarding next term?

Next term, our first-year students will be studying Unit A: Careers in the Sport and Active Leisure Industry and Unit 5: Anatomy and Physiology. Our second-year students will be studying Unit D1: Applied Coaching Skills and Unit E: Research Project in Sport alongside finalising their UCAS applications. We will also have guest speaker appearances from former County player, Sam Minihan and County First Team Coach, Dave Conlon.

Could you give an insight into what the students have been learning?

This term, our first-year students have studied Unit B: Health and Wellbeing in Sport, in which they explored the importance of physical activity and Unit 11: Rules, Regulations and Officiating in Sport, in which they explored the rules and laws of a sport and the roles and responsibilities of officials involved before undertaking in their assessment as an official. Our second-year students have studied Unit 3: Sport Psychology, in which they explored the effects of personality, motivation, stress and anxiety on sports performance and Unit 10: Technical and Tactical Skills in Sport, in which they explored the technical and tactical skills demanded in sport and investigated the technical and tactical ability of an elite performer and themselves.

What can the students take away from this term, and use further into their careers?

To support their academic studies, our students have engaged in a wide range of work placement opportunities that has enabled them to gain experience in relevant industries and enhance their employability skills. Students have completed placements within both our Academy and First Team, as well as with external employers, with some students gaining paid employment as a result.

Could you tell us a little bit about your role for the Football Education?

In my role as Lead Teacher, I am responsible for delivering innovative and engaging lessons to both first and second-year students. I am also responsible for ensuring that all assessment, teaching and educational practices follow the guidelines set out by our awarding body, Pearson and leading on the quality assurance process along with The Trafford College Group.

What can we expect from the Football Education programme moving forwards?

We are excited to open applications for our Traineeship Programme starting next year, allowing students to gain industry experience in an elite sporting environment in the following pathways, Physiotherapy, Strength and Conditioning, Analysis and Coaching. Students on this programme will study a BTEC course alongside completing placements within our Academy and First Team, providing a unique opportunity for young people with ambitions to pursue a career in sport.


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