Hear from people we’ve worked with..
John – November 2022
Service User
I have now spent nine months attending the County In the Community sessions on Monday mornings at Powerleague in Heaton Mersey and it kicks my week off to a good start. The exercises and activities are just right for my level of fitness and age – mid seventies. I also enjoy the chats and the socialising over a cup of tea inevitably about County’s game the previous Saturday although not everyone is necessarily a County follower.
The session always starts with 15 minutes of light exercises many of them sitting down but never the less sufficiently taxing, not everyone joins in and nothing is compulsory, we are encouraged to do as much as we feel comfortable with. This is followed by an outdoor session on the all weather pitch involving all sorts of ball games which seem to vary every week. Recently we have been finishing the morning off with a quiz.
The sessions are nearly always led by Matt with either Adie or Olly. They are all very approachable and understanding as to the groups varied abilities and I’d like to think that they enjoy it as much as we do.
I was widowed last year and I have subsequently tried to extend my social activities to get me ‘out of the house’ -County in the Community helps me along the way in this respect.
Angela Milnes – November 2022
Assistant Principal, Stockport Academy
Stockport Academy would like to thank the Stockport County Community Trust for the support they are offering for some of our most vulnerable students through the Youth Engagement Project at Cheadle Heath Nomads.
Many of the students attending this initiative come from some of the most deprived areas of the UK within the 1-3 IDACI band. These children face many barriers to success, and the opportunity to get out of the house, off the streets and engaged with positive activities where they can grow skills and self-esteem is invaluable and will, in some cases, be life changing.
On talking to a few of our students who attend the project they were incredibly enthusiastic and eager to tell me about how they look forward each week to attending. As an example of how important this is to the young people, one, a young carer, stated that there are ‘a load’ of smaller siblings in the house and it is his chance to get out and be with people his own age and away from his Mum being mad at him. The group talk about improved mental health through exercise, being part of a team and feeling valued.
The work that the Trust is doing ties in with the intervention we are then able to offer at school where we use football as an incentive to improve behaviour and effort in lessons. This combined approach has been extremely successful in helping some of our more challenged students as they start to understand that through working with the Trust and our Academy, they can be their best self.
We look forward to continued work with the Trust in providing holistic care and support to Stockport’s young people.
James Clark – September 2022
Headteacher, Dail Park Primary School
I just wanted to send you a letter to thank you and the Community Foundation Trust for delivering the Holiday Activity Fund (HAF) at our school over the summer holidays.
Our partnership with you is vital to both the school and local community. It supports our children with opportunities to learn and partake in activities which positively impact their health and wellbeing.
Your team of skilled professionals worked tirelessly to ensure that all children who attended were well looked after, learnt lots and had fun! I hope that we will be able to provide further HAF programmes here in the future.
I am also really pleased with your continued PE provision in term time. Your team of coaches provide a great service in delivering our PE curriculum linked to our school medium and long term planning. Their lunchtime and after school club support is also loved by the children.
We are really looking forward to seeing our partnership continue to grow in the future.
Thanks and keep up the great work!”
James Jennings – September 2021
Head of Professional Player Support, Stockport County
“After spending a week with the County Community Trust, I first-hand witnessed the incredible work and effort which is put in to make a powerful change to improve the community of Stockport. Dave, Ade, Matty and Chris are the heart and soul of delivering the wider community the tools to encompass each individual a clear pathway to improve their mental & physical health and well-being. The County Community Trust have a strong desire to make a positive change to people’s lives, and the community is at the heart of their planning and delivery to focus on supporting and providing a safe environment for them.
The experiences and lessons I’ve gained from my work within the Community Trust has made me understand that not only the work that goes into delivering these great initiatives and programmes aimed at improving the community, but the impact it has on the individual.
I have always been heavily involved in my previous clubs, community programmes, and have always had a genuine interest to make a difference and gain connections between myself and the community. To experience spending a week with the Trust in their day-to-day roles and working alongside their programmes I was able to gain more knowledge and gain a better understanding of the impact it makes on the lives of the community. I know the huge importance of the work with the Trust, having spent a day on the Half Term Provision Programme and attending the Walking Football Programme which I found very valuable as this gave me the opportunity to get involved with all ages and backgrounds, understanding the benefits to each individual.
I had the opportunity to attend one of the days at The Half Term Provision programmes and met the children, noticing their instant reaction to a Stockport County player was incredible which was a great way to engage with them by answering their questions, having pictures, drawing with them, and sharing some advice. I could see the big impact this Holiday Provision gave for the children as they had the opportunity to socialise and engage with other children and coaches, keep active, eat more healthily, take part in engaging activities, be kept safe and not socially isolated.
I am a big advocate in encouraging the players within the club to value the work within the community and to build relationships between the Club and Community. The influence and role of a footballer can be really beneficial, and this connection can play a significant role to not only improving the lives of others but building success within the club.”